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ANSA - جورجينهو على رادار اليوفنتوس
(أنسامد) - أبريل 30 - روما - ذكرت تقارير إيطالية أن نادي يوفنتوس أعرب منذ مدة عن إعجابه بخدمات النجم الإيطالي جورجينهو، لاعب خط وسط نادي أرسنال، في محاولة لضمه خلال الفترة القادمة. ...
ANSA - تورينو: معرض الصور الفوتوغرافية 'ذي فير' من 3 إلى 5 مايو
(أنسامد) - أبريل 30 - روما - تقام النسخة الخامسة من المعرض المخصص للصور الفوتوغرافية وفن التصوير "فير فوتو ارت" فى الفترة من 3 إلى 5 مايو للمرة الأولى فى أو جى أرتورين صالا فوتشين فى تورينو. ...
NNA - Takreem America celebrates Arab-American excellence in Boston
NNA - In a display of commitment to honoring exceptional Arab-American individuals and fostering connections within the community, TAKREEM AMERICA hosted prestigious events in Boston,...
NNA - تظاهرات في جامعات لبنانية تضامنا مع غزة
وطنية - افاد مندوب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان جامعات لبنانية عدة شهدت اليوم، سلسلة تظاهرات شارك فيها المئات من طلابها، أبرزها الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت، تضامنا مع الشعب الفلسطيني وتنديدا بما تتعرض له غزة وأهلها. ...
ANSA - أسبوع التصميم فى قصر فيرساتشى
(أنسامد)-أبريل30-روما-أقيم مؤخراً أسبوع التصميم فى قصر فيرساتشى حيث تقدم رحلة صوتية وموسيقية عبر الغرف المختلفة التى انشئت بالتعاون مع محطة إذاعية مستقلة "رحيم" فى ميلانو تتخللها أصوات تحكى بعض الأحداث التى جرت داخل أسوار القصر :من بينها "لقاء بين فندى وعرض فيرساتشى فور ذا فينداتشى"...
ANSA - Italy's GDP rose 0.3% in first quarter - Istat Italian economy accelerated after 0.1% rise in Q4 2023
Italy's GDP increased by0.3% in the first quarter of 2024 with respect to the previous three months, according to a preliminary estimate released by Istat...
NNA - إطلاق مهرجان لبنان السينمائي الدولي للأفلام القصيرة في طرابلس تحيّة إلى مارون البغدادي وبرهان علوية
وطنية - صور - أعلنت «جمعية تيرو للفنون» و«مسرح إسطنبولي» برنامج الدورة الثالثة من «مهرجان لبنان السينمائي الدولي للأفلام القصيرة» في الفترة الممتدة من 11 ولغاية 14 أيار في «المسرح الوطنيّ اللّبنانيّ المجاني» في مدينة طرابلس، تحت شعار "السينما للجميع "...
NNA - المعرض الثامن في جامعة بيروت العربية للجمعيات والمنظمات غير الحكومية و'ليونيسكو'
وطنية - نظم مركز حقوق الإنسان في جامعة بيروت العربية المعرض الثامن للجمعيات والمنظمات غير الحكومية، في حرم الجامعة - بيروت بعنوان "أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة"، بالتعاون مع اللجنة الوطنية اللبنانية لـ "اليونيسكو ...
ANSA - إنخفاض سعر الفول الأخضر بنسبة 20% فى 2023
(أنسامد) - أبريل 30 - روما - سجلت أسعار الفول الأخضر والجبن البيكورينو انخفاضاً كبيراً فى الأسعار فى عام 2023 بالمقارنة بالعام الأسبق وذلك نظراً لزيادة الإنتاج بسبب إعتدال درجات الحرارة فى الأيام الأخيرة والذى أدى إلى زيادة إنتاج البقوليات الموسمية بشكل عام. ...
ANSA - 34 new Swiss Guards to bring army back up to full complement An oxygen boost enabling us to face Jubilee says spokesman
Some 34 new Swiss Guards are set to bring the world's smallest army back up to its full complement of 135 when they take their...
NNA - تألق سباحي وسباحات 'بروسويم' في بطولات لبنان
وطنية- فرض سبّاحو أكاديمية 'بروسويم' أنفسهم في بطولات لبنان للسباحة، وآخرها بطولة لبنان الشتوية للفئات العمرية داخل حوض طوله 25 مترا، والتي نظمها الاتحاد اللبناني في نادي الجمهور، بتحقيقهم 9 أرقام قياسية جديدة، الى 190 ميدالية ملونة، وهي الحصة الاكبر وبفارق شاسع عن أقرب المنافسين....
NNA - مهرجان 'أوسكار المبدعين العرب' اختتم موسمه الثاني مارون
وطنية - اختتم مهرجان 'أوسكار المبدعين العرب' موسمه الثاني، باحتفال أقيم في القاهرة وزعت خلاله الجوائز على الفائزين بالمراتب الثلاثة الأولى، في الفروع السبعة للمسابقة الأدبية الكبرى التي ينظمها المهرجان على مستوى العالم العربي. ...
ANSA - Annual inflation rate down to 0.9% in April - Istat Drop from 1.2% in March
Italy's annual inflation rate dropped to 0.9% this month, down from 1.2% in March, according to a preliminary data released by Istat on Tuesday. ...
ANSA - شركة من فيتشنزا تصنع أطول أفعوانية في العالم
(أنسامد)-أبريل 30-روما-قامت شركة من فيتشنزا في شمال إيطاليا بصنع أطول أفعوانية في العالم، والتي تم تركيبها الآن في متنزه في ولاية أوهايو بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
يبلغ ارتفاع اللعبة "توب ثريل2" 128 مترًا، وترسل الباحثين عن الإثارة للإندفاع بسرعة تصل إلى 193 كيلومترًا في الساعة في متنزه...
NNA - 'تكريم أميركا' وزعت جوائز حفل 'تاك-مايندز' بنسخته الثالثة وكرمت شخصيات عربية- أميركية
وطنية - شهدت مدينة بوسطن، في 20 نيسان الجاري، فعاليات مؤسسة "تكريم أميركا" والتي أظهرت التزام المنظمة بتكريم عرب أميركا الإستثنائيين وتعزيز الروابط داخل المجتمع من خلال منتدى "تاك-مايندز" TAKminds الذي عُقِدَ في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا (MIT) وحفل توزيع الجوائز ال2024، ...
CNA - الرئيس خريستوذوليديس يناقش مع المدير التنفيذي لشركة إيني سيناريوهات استغلال حقول الغاز الطبيعي
ناقش رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إيني كلاوديو ديسكالزي اليوم الثلاثاء بحضور وزيري الطاقة والخارجية في القصر الرئاسي، اكتشافات شركة إيني في المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة لقبرص وسيناريوهات استغلال عمليات الحفر المؤكدة، بالإضافة إلى الحلول المفضلة لتلبية أاحتياجات الطاقة المحلية بكفاءة. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Public sector budget deficit of €259M in Q1, first since December 2022
Lisbon,April.30,2024(Lusa)-Portugal had a public sector budget deficit of €259million in the first quarter,contrasting with a surplus of €1.177 billion at the beginning of the period,...
Lusa - Business News - Angola: Unions hail 'significant' turnout in second general strike for more pay
Luanda, April.30,2024 (Lusa) - The second of a planned series of general strikes in Angola, which ended on Tuesday, brought a "significant" turnout by workers,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Lisbon stock market ends day down with benchmark index off almost 1%
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa) - The Lisbon stock market ended the day down on Tuesday, with the benchmark PSI (Portugal Stock Index) losing 0.97% to 6,615.56 points,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Galp to keep 'significant position' in Namibia oil project - CEO
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa) - Galp's chief executive guaranteed on Tuesday that the oil company will maintain ‘a significant position’ in the oil exploration project in Namibia,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Albufeira to levy €2 tourist tax from 21 May
Albufeira, Faro,Portugal,April.30,2024(Lusa)- Albufeira town council, in the district of Faro, plans to start charging a tourist tax of €2 for overnight stays in the district...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Government has given more political clout to agriculture ministry - PM
Beja, Portugal, April.30,2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's prime minister, Luís Montenegro, on Tuesday considered agriculture to be a strategic sector and said that since taking office,...
CNA - خريستودوليدس وفون دير لاين يشاركان في حدث بمناسبة مرور 20 عاماً على انضمام قبرص إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي
يحضر اليوم الأربعاء رئيس الجمهورية نيكوس خريستوذوليديس ورئيسة المفوضية الأوروبية أورسولا فون دير لاين حدثاً في القصر الرئاسي في نيقوسيا بمناسبة الذكرى العشرين لانضمام قبرص إلى الاتحاد الأوروبي. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: EU chooses two domestic projects for hydrogen bank
Brussels, April.30,2024 (Lusa) — The European Commission selected two Portuguese projects out of seven in the first tender launched by the European Hydrogen Bank,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Major charity in dire straits, dismissals not political - PM
Beja, Portugal, April.30,2024(Lusa)- Portugal's prime minister, Luís Montenegro, warned on Tuesday of the ‘very difficult situation’ of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML)...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Air France-KLM interested in possible minority stake in TAP
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa) - The Air France-KLM group said on Tuesday that a minority position in TAP ‘could be interesting’ if it aligns with its objectives...
Lusa - Business News - Mozambique: Solar panels save Vodacom 1.2 t greenhouse gas emissions in 2023
Maputo,April.30,2024(Lusa)-Vodacom Mozambique saved the emission of 1,200 tonnes of greenhouse gases in 2023 after converting the power systems of 300 more antennas with solar panels,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: TAP one of airlines in EC inquiry into possible greenwashing
Brussels, April30,2024(Lusa)- TAP is one of twenty airlines targeted in an inquiry launched on Tuesday by the European Commission into complaints by consumer protection organisations...
CNA - Cabinet approves more access of foreign students to labour market
Labour Minister Yiannis Panagiotou announced on Tuesday that foreign students would have greater access to the labour market,noting at the same time that the attraction...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Cask of Madeira wine from 2022 sea voyage opened in Funchal for sample
Funchal, Madeira,Portugal, April 30,2024(Lusa)- The Madeira Wine, Embroidery and Handicrafts Institute (IVBAM) has unsealed a barrel of Madeira wine transported by the ‘Sagres’ training ship,...
CNA - Cyprus’ National development agency to come into force
The Cabinet approved on Tuesday the establishment of a national development agency following a proposal tabled by the the Finance Minister. ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: BPI posts Q1 profit up 43% YoY to €121M, driven by Portugal operation
Lisbon,April.30,2024(Lusa)- BPI, one of Portugal's largest banks, on Tuesday unveiled a first-quarter profit up 43% on the same period a year earlier, of €121 million....
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Lisbon stocks generally lower; EDP Renováveis, Ibersol main losers
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa)- The Lisbon stock market was on Tuesday trading lower by mid-morning, with shares in EDP Renováveis and Ibersol down 2.52% to 12.77 euros...
Lusa - Business News - Timor-Leste: May Day demonstration to demand long-awaited rise in minimum salary
Dili,April.30,2024(Lusa)-Workers in Timor-Leste will mark 1 May with a protest in Dili to demand an increase in the country's statutory minimum monthly salary to $150(€140),...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Santander Totta first-quarter profit up 58% on year to €294.4M
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa)-Santander Totta, one of Portugal's largest banks, made a first-quarter profit of €294.4 million, 58.4% more than in the same period of last year,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: KFC, Pizza Hut licensee Ibersol 2023 profit slides 90% to €15.4M
Lisbon, April 30, 2024 (Lusa) - Ibersol, a multi-brand group with presence in the Iberian Peninsula and Portuguese-language countries that has the licence for brands...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Galp Energia Q1 profit up 35% YoY to €337M, as upstream, refining boom
Lisbon,April.30,2024(Lusa)-Galp Energia made a profit of €337million in the first quarter of 2024,up 35% from the €250 million posted in the same period last year,...
CNA - Robust cash buffers to tackle uncertainty, Public Debt Management Office says
The robust cash buffers of the Republic of Cyprus are expected to support the government in tackling the uncertainty observed in the global economy, ...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Consumer price inflation slows to 2.2% in April - INE flash estimate
Lisbon,April.30,2024(Lusa)-Portugal's year-on-year consumer price inflation slowed to 2.2% in April, 0.1 percentage points less than in March, according to a flash estimate released on Tuesday...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Economic growth slows in Q1; GDP up 0.7% on previous quarter, 1.4% YoY
Lisbon, April.30,2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's economy grew 0.7% in the first quarter, from the previous quarter, and by 1.4% from the final quarter of 2023,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Government sacks lottery operator bosses
Lisbon, April 30,2024 (Lusa) - The board of the Lisbon-based Santa Casa da Misericórdia charity has been dismissed "with immediate effect", the government has announced,...
Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Top newspaper headlines on Tuesday, 30 April
Lisbon, April.30,2024(Lusa)-The government sacks the chairwoman of the Santa Casa charity and Spain’s prime minister is to remain in office are the most frequent headlines...
Lusa - Business News - Cabo Verde: Pandemic example of success with EU

Praia, Nov.25,2022(Lusa)- The support of the European Union (EU) to Cabo Verde in the Covid-19 pandemic was highlighted on Friday as one of the successful results of the Special Partnership that marks 15 years, but with the archipelago wanting more.
"I think that the pandemic was a great challenge for everyone and was also an example of how the Special Partnership can serve Cabo Verde," said EU Ambassador Carla Grijó today, on the sidelines of an event in Praia marking the 15th anniversary of the Special Partnership established by the European Union with Cabo Verde.
"Our Europe team was very important in donating vaccines in quantities and on time. It was a joint effort because it is not enough for vaccines to be available. The government that receives them needs to have the logistical capacity to administer them," said the Portuguese diplomat and EU ambassador in Praia.
Speaking to journalists, Carla Grijó said that Cabo Verde "has shown great capacity for organisation" of the vaccination campaign, in which 98.6% of the eligible adult population has received at least the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 and 86.4% the second dose, while 38.5% have also received a booster dose, according to government data.
"It has been very important. Today in Cabo Verde we have very high levels of vaccination, among the highest in the world, I wouldn't say only in Africa, in the world. And that in itself is the result of the partnership of the European Union and its member states with Cabo Verde. Therefore, it is a concrete example of a challenge, yes, that challenged us all, but that we managed, through partnership, to overcome", he said.
In 2007, after a long period of negotiations, the EU and Cabo Verde signed a special partnership agreement, the only one of its kind on the African continent. It covers areas such as good governance, security and stability, regional integration, technical and regulatory convergence, the information and knowledge society, the fight against poverty and development, but Cabo Verde has already expressed its intention to introduce other pillars.
"The positioning of Cabo Verde as a safe country and with strong alliances for defence and cooperative security in the areas of maritime security, cybersecurity and transnational crimes are priorities and challenges that we want to achieve and win with the strengthening of our Special EU Partnership, for a more resilient Cabo Verde and with a more diversified economy," the prime minister, Ulisses Correia e Silva, emphasised in his speech at today's event.
"Our specificities as a diaspora country, a small island state under development, inserted in Macaronesia and with a geostrategic location that places us between the African continent, Europe, Brazil and the United States should be valued as distinctive factors in our relations of partnership and alliances for sustainable development, investment, economic transactions and for defence and security," stressed the head of government.
Ulisses Correia e Silva also recalled the crises that have affected the archipelago, from consecutive droughts to the absence of tourism due to Covid-19 and now the inflationary crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, as well as the respective support from the European bloc.
"From 2017 to 2021, Cabo Verde was buffeted by severe droughts, the worst in 40 years. The European Union provided a rapid response and extraordinary support for the programme to mitigate the droughts and the bad agricultural years. I would also like to acknowledge the prompt response of the European Union and European countries at the bilateral level in supporting Cabo Verde in combating the Covid-19 pandemic. The availability of vaccines in time and quantity was crucial to the success of this fight that still continues", he said.
For the European Union ambassador, after 15 years of the Special Partnership it is possible to take a "retrospective look back and see the gains that have been made," and envisage "a broad area for cooperation in the future.
"The EU also gains from the partnership with Cabo Verde. It is very important for the EU to have partners who share the same values. The democratic rule of law, respect for human rights, transparency, good governance, all these are characteristics that allow our relationship to be, in fact, that of special partners", said Carla Grijó.
She acknowledged, however, that "much remains to be done" and that the EU "is strongly committed to supporting Cabo Verde in meeting its national targets for 2030", not least because it will help Europe "to meet our own targets".
"There are issues - I am speaking, for example, of climate change - where no country, however big it may be, can solve it alone. We always have to create conditions for collective decisions and I come back to the issue of values. It is much easier for this to happen when countries, in this case the European Union is not one country, but brings together a group of 27 member states that share with Cabo Verde the same objectives, particularly in relation to the green transition and other digital transformation", he added.
The prime minister stressed that the Strategic Partnership signed in 2007 "is in fact a high point" in the relationship with the EU, which resulted from "a common will that has contributed greatly to the development process of Cabo Verde," in terms of good governance, security and stability, strengthening of island capital, knowledge society, social inclusion and cohesion and the economy, but which was followed by other steps.
"The mobility partnership, reinforced with the agreement on the simplification of visa rules, is another important milestone in our relations. The Generalised System of Preferences for facilitating the entry of Cabo Verde products into the European Union is and have been important for the economy of this country. We improved the fisheries agreement in 2019 and we have room and willingness to improve the next agreement," the head of government predicted.

Agency : LUSA

Date : 2022-11-26 00:24:00


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