LUSA 08/01/2024

Lusa - Business News - Portugal: Jobless rate in June estimated 6.7%, up 0.2 on May, 0.4 on year - INE

Lisbon, July 31, 2024 (Lusa) - Portugal's unemployment rate in June rose to 6.7%, up 0.2 of a percentage point than the previous month and 0.4 from the same month in 2023, according to provisional data released on Wednesday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

Portugal's active population (5,358,200) decreased from May (0.3%) and March 2024 (0.2%), having increased from June 2023 (1.3%), the INE said in its release, adding that the employed population (4,997,500) decreased from the previous month (0.6%) and from three months before (0.5%), having increased from a year earlier (0.9%).

"The unemployed population (360,800) increased from the three periods under comparison: 3.8%, 4.1% and 8.2%, respectively," it said, noting that that unemployment rate stood at 6.7%, up 0.2 of a point both from March and from May of 2024 and up 0.4 from June 2023.

Meanwhile, the inactive population (2,459,900) in June increased from the three periods under comparison: 0.9%, 1.2% and 2.5%, respectively. 

The labour underutilisation rate stood at 11.3%, up from May (0.2 of a point) and from March of 2024 (up 0.1), but down from June 2023 (down 0.3 of a point).


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